PED Project Wrap-up

Over the course of  this ICT project, there has been many different tasks that my group has had to complete. For the most part the entire group split the effort for each of the tasks, however I feel that I helped most with the visits after school that were necessary to keep the project running smoothly. I would often have to visit after school with another group member to help the teacher with learning different features of Google Classroom, or Poll Everywhere, or to present our plan for the class to ensure that he is OK with it. On top of the visits after school, I feel like I contributed a fair bit to the planning and creation of the lesson for the class, as well as other aspects of the project.

Personally, I think that the PED project was a success due to the positive response from the class after our visit. After we did our review presentation to the class, we asked the students to answer a survey regarding the lesson we just did, and for the most part the students seemed to have a positive reaction to out lesson. The only problem the students seemed to have with our presentation was the lack of moderation on the Poll Everywhere software, which is something that can easily be fixed by getting a paid version. In addition to this, the teacher of the class we were helping seemed to react positively to the software, and said that he could see himself using the software for future lessons because he thought it to be a great teaching tool.

If there were to be one thing that I could change about the PED project, I would likely change the Poll Everywhere presentation we created and enable the “lock answer” option because one of the main things that disrupted the presentation was people constantly changing their answers. This caused the review to be less effective, because people would just constantly change their answers to whatever was the most popular answer at the time, making it difficult to understand which concepts the students were having trouble with. Other than that, the project went pretty smoothly so I do not think I would change anything else.

One suggestion I would make that could improve this project is an additional section in the executive summary. I would suggest the addition of a section which outlines how much work each group member contributed to the project. I feel like this is a necessary addition because I would find that all members except me and one other were not actively contributing to the task at hand. This made it very frustrating and slow to complete tasks, so I feel like there should be some way to show how much effort each group member put in to the project.

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